Apply to be a member of the Superintendent Search Committee
If you would like to submit your name to be considered as a member of the Superintendent Search Committee, please click here to send an email to: Rick Hood, Catherine Sanderson and Nora Maroulis before 11 pm, December 15, 2010.
Note that members of the search committee MUST be available for the following dates and times:
January 5 (time TBA, but will be at night, likely 6pm) - a 2 hour meeting with HYA to prep the search committee for the interviews
January 11
10:00am - 12:00pm - Interview #1
12:15pm - 2:15pm - Interview #2
2:30pm - 4:30pm - Interview #3
January 12
12:00pm - 2:00pm - Interview #4
2:15pm - 4:15pm - Interview #5
4:30pm - discussion and choice of 3 finalists
Night (time unspecified, probably 6pm) - presentation of the 3 finalists to the full school committee
NOTE: the times shown above could change so please plan on being available from 9am to 6pm on January 11 and 12.
In your email please include the following:
• Name
• Phone number
• Are you a parent, citizen, government official, school administrator or student?
• What school(s) do you have children in: none, ARHS, ARMS, Amherst Elementary, Pelham Elementary, Leverett Elementary or Shutesbury Elementary?
• What town do you reside in: Amherst, Pelham, Leverett or Shutesbury?
• Please state in a paragraph or two why you would make a good member of the search committee.
We will be choosing members of the committee by the end of December, most likely by the end of week ending December 18.
Thank you for your interest. If you have any questions please contact Rick Hood (, 413-320-3611).
Rick Hood, Catherine Sanderson, Nora Maroulis
School Committee members of the Superintendent Search Committee
like most amherst cannot have a job...the meetings are during working hours which leaves many good parents, citizens who have jobs left out...leaves people in lower socio-economic groups who cannot take time off from work out!!!
why does Amherst have 2 school committee reps on the committee? Shouldn't one of the hilltowns have one of their members since that now really restricts who the remaining 5 can be? Catherine, could you explain the rational behind it?
Anonymous 8:55 - each of the three SCs voted for a representative: Amherst voted for me, Pelham voted for Nora, and the Region voted for Rick. The Region certainly could have voted for the Leverett or Shutesbury representative. Let's remember also that both Amherst and Pelham hire the superintendent for both elementary and regional work, whereas Leverett and Shutesbury hire the superintendent only for the regional work. That is why Amherst and Pelham combined have 8 people voting for the superintendent whereas Leverett and Shutesbury only have two.
Anon 8:55 said...
Thanks for the clarification, Catherine.
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